As we see new advancements towards a more sustainable future, both biodiesel and renewable diesel have proven to be dependable energy sources. However, because they are two different fuels, they bring in different benefits. Knowing the different benefits between biodiesel and renewable diesel can be the deciding factor on which fuel is right for your jobsite or fleet.
Benefits of Biodiesel
Lower Emissions: Biodiesel emits fewer greenhouse gases. According to the Department of Energy, even using a blend like B20 still reduces carbon dioxide emissions by 15%.
Utilizes Organic Feedstock: Biodiesel is made from organic products such as animal fat and used vegetable oil that would regularly get thrown out. Essentially, the production of biodiesel puts waste from the food industry to better use.
Safer Fossil Fuel Alternative/Higher Flash Point: The flash point of a fuel is the lowest temperature at which a risk of fire exists. The higher the temperature, the less flammable the fuel is. Biodiesel’s flashpoint is 202°F – 338°F, compared to petroleum diesel’s flash point of 176°F – 257°F, which is very low. This makes biodiesel a safer alternative to petroleum diesel.
Engine Operation: Lubricity is essential to performance because it helps protect the engine from damage. There are a lot of moving parts in an engine, such as pumps and injectors, all that need lubricating to prevent wear and tear. Sulfur is what gives diesel fuel its lubricating properties, but with ultra-low sulfur diesel becoming more common, its usage has resulted in some unwanted outcomes for engines. Biodiesel has lubricity properties to improve engine performance and eliminate the need for lubricity additives.
Benefits of Renewable Diesel
Compatible with Existing Engines: Renewable diesel is chemically made the same as its petroleum counterpart so it can be used in engines designed to run on traditional diesel fuel without making any modifications to the existing mechanism.
Environmentally Friendly: Because it is made from renewable sources, renewable diesel is a cleaner fuel that produces lower emissions–up to 85 percent compared to petroleum diesel.
Odorless: During the hydroprocessing process, impurities and aromatic compounds are removed, making renewable diesel odorless. There is no worry with toxic chemicals being released into the air.
Long-Term Storage: With no oxygen in its chemical structure, renewable diesel can withstand cold weather. The removal of impurities also eliminates the fear of microbial growth that could clog fuel filters. Because of this, renewable diesel can be stored for a long time without deterioration in quality or water accumulation.
Better Performance: The results of hydroprocessing is a purer fuel that performs better. With a cetane number of 70-95, renewable diesel guarantees efficient and clean combustion.
Your Renewable Fuel Supplier
Despite their differences, biodiesel and renewable diesel both have advanced solutions that support the environment and fleet efficiency. To ensure your fleet or jobsite are running around the clock, you need a reliable fuel provider. At Pacific States Petroleum, we have been providing California with safe, cost-effective fuel solutions for 20 years. For more information about how you can utilize sustainable fuel options, contact us to learn about our biodiesel and renewable diesel services.